The Supreme Court of the United States

I was out of town without access to a computer when the SCOTUS decision came to fruition on Friday, June 24. That is why I’m delayed in writing this blog.

As a Bible-believing Christian, I am elated with the news that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Effectively, this ruling removes the federal “right” to an abortion and returns the legality of abortion back to the people and their elected representatives.

It is beyond tragic that millions of lives have been lost since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Abortion is a sin against God because it kills those who are made in His image (Exo 20:13; Gen 1:27).

If you have had an abortion, then you have sinned against God and will experience His just wrath. The good news of the gospel is that you can be forgiven by God, reconciled to Him, and saved from His wrath because of the person and work of Jesus Christ.

You should note that false teachers such as Beth Moore, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, and others have been completely silent on the ruling (while at the same time promoting their books and events). It’s entirely plausible that they don’t believe abortion is wrong. It’s certain that they don’t want to offend their followers and lose money. For them, the dollar is more important than proclaiming truth. This is a clear way to spot false teachers.

I have had time to read several articles and listen to a couple of podcasts this morning. I want to share with you some of the best ones from a Christian perspective:

Here is a statement from the Conservative Baptist Network.

Here is a pointed article by Jared Longshore.

Here is a short article by Albert Mohler at World.

Here is a special edition of The Briefing by Albert Mohler recorded on the day of the SCOTUS decision.

Here is Monday’s edition of The Briefing by Albert Mohler.

Here are some thoughts from Denny Burk.

Here are some key quotes from the decision from a Baptist Press article.

Here is a short article by Joe Carter at The Gospel Coalition.

If you only read or listen to one thing, make it the special edition of The Briefing by Albert Mohler. If you have an article or resource to suggest, you can comment below.