Sermon Text: Mark 11:27-33

Sermon Video


BIG IDEA: Like the religious leaders of Jesus’ day, many people refuse to acknowledge Jesus’ authority over their lives.


Keep the context in mind. Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and inspected the temple affairs. On Monday, Jesus cleaned house. Now on Tuesday Jesus’ authority is challenged by a delegation of the Sanhedrin, the powerful Jewish religious council consisting of Pharisees, Sadducees, and others.

Again, the key issue is authority. Notice v. 28: “By what authority are you doing these things, or who gave you this authority to do them?” The religious leaders are questioning Jesus’ authority to preach and teach in the temple (Luke 20:1) and to cleanse the temple (Mark 11:15-17). In their minds, he was the lowly son of a carpenter from Nazareth and they are the religious elites that have control over the temple and its affairs – not Jesus.

I encourage you to watch the sermon for more. Even though there is no temple today many religious people still struggle the same problem the religious leaders did. They refuse to give Jesus his rightful authority over their lives. They want the salvation and blessings of Jesus without the commitment of discipleship. But this is not the way of Jesus. Jesus has all authority (Matt 28:18; Col 1:15-20; Mark 8:34-35; Luke 6:46). Will you submit to the his authority in every area of your life?