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Living Worthy of the Gospel – Philippians 1:27-30


This blog is based on a sermon from Philippians. You can listen to the sermon here.

Sermon Text: Philippians 1:27-30

So far in Philippians 1, Paul has reminded the Philippians that he is grateful for them and that they are a source of joy to him even in prison. He has informed them that the gospel continues to go forth even in his imprisonment. He has told them about his situation and that he hopes to visit them again.

In Phil 1:27-30, he begins to give some instructions to the Philippian church.

BIG IDEA: Our manner of life should be worthy of the gospel of Christ.


“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.” (ESV)

Some translations say,  “as citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ.”

We should probably start with an explanation of the gospel. The gospel starts with God. God is holy, perfect, and righteous. He created us in His image, but we have all fallen short of His perfect standard. Therefore, we deserve His just wrath. But in His love and mercy, God sent His perfect Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins in our place. Because of Jesus, we can be reconciled with God and spend eternity enjoying His presence rather than separated from Him in hell.

Paul is not saying that we could ever be worthy of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. He is saying that because Jesus has died for our sins, that we should live in a way that reflects our gratitude. As the hymn says, “Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe.”

Salvation is not a one-time decision. Salvation affects our whole lives. Someone that is truly saved will be truly changed.

Look at Romans 6:1-4:

1 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? 2 By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it? 3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

Romans 6:1-4

Elsewhere, in Ephesians 4:1, Paul writes, “I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called.”

What Paul is saying in verse 27 is that “our manner of life” (the way we live) should be worthy of the gospel. We should live in a way that is consistent with the truth of the gospel.

When we live in a way that is inconsistent or contrary to the gospel we claim to believe, the world rightly sees us as hypocrites. Listen to these words from John MacArthur:

“When the unsaved look at the church and do not see holiness, purity, and virtue, there appears to be no reason to believe the gospel it proclaims. When pastors commit gross sins and are later restored to positions of leadership in the church; when church members lie, steal, cheat, gossip, and quarrel; and when congregations seem to care little about such sin and hypocrisy in their midst, the world is understandably repulsed by their claims to love and serve God. And the name of Christ is sullied and dishonored.”

John Macarthur

My hope is that all of us desire to live in a way that is worthy of the gospel. In our text, we see at least three ways we can live worthy of the gospel:

First, we should be unified around the gospel (27).

“Standing firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.”

Many churches spend more time fighting one another than they do the real enemy. When Paul speaks of “standing firm,” he is using military language. Remember, many of the citizens of Philippi are retired Roman soldiers. Paul is saying to stand firm in the face of intimidation and external opposition.

Paul also says that he wants to find the Philippians “striving side by side.” This is sports language. Just as a team must be unified to win the game, as Christians and as church members, we must be unified around the gospel.

“When you get the gospel, you get joy. When you focus on the gospel, you get unity.”

Tony merida

In the church, our unity should not come from our financial status, our geographical location, our family ties, our skin color, or our worship style. Our unity comes from a shared understanding of the gospel and God’s Word.

When our unity comes from a right understanding of the gospel, our church can be a place where we have rich and poor people, people of all ethnicities, people of all ages, broken families, cowboys, and bikers.

We don’t have to have a church for only certain kinds of people because it’s the gospel that unites, not these other cheaper things.

We are to be unified around the gospel, but please don’t misunderstand me – we must never seek unity at the expense of truth. This is why I preach through books of the Bible and explain the gospel in every sermon.

Second, we should not be afraid of those who oppose the gospel (28).

“And not frightened in anything by your opponents”

Paul tells the Philippians that they are not to be frightened by their opponents.

Who are these opponents? Perhaps Paul is speaking of the Judaizers mentioned in chapter three, but more likely he is referring to pagans living in Philippi, maybe even civil authorities. Remember, Paul was arrested in Acts 16 because he was “advocating customs” that were not Roman in nature.

The fact is that we are not living worthy of the gospel when we fear men and refuse to stand up for the truth.

Listen to Jesus in Matt 10:28:

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Jesus, Matthew 10:28

“this is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God.”

Paul says that the church’s unity and boldness is a sure sign that these saints have indeed experienced salvation. When people are willing to endure great hardship for the sake of the gospel, it indicates that they truly believe and have been changed by it.

We live worthy of the gospel when we’re unified around the gospel and when we stand up to those who oppose the gospel. A third way we can live worthy of the gospel is to be willing to endure suffering for the sake of the gospel.

We should be willing to endure suffering for the sake of Christ and the gospel (29-30).

“It has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake” (29)

We should not just believe in Christ, but be willing to live for Christ, even when it costs us. We saw this clearly in our Scripture reading from Luke 14.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.

jesus, luke 14:26-27

Paul writes, “It has been granted to you.” Suffering is a gift in the sense that it helps us to see if we really belong to Christ. Many young adults make a profession of faith early in their childhood, but go to college and “abandon” the faith. In most cases, they were never Christians to begin with (1 John 2:19). Most never had their faith tested before leaving home. This is why it can be dangerous to baptize young children.[1]See here and here.

Saving faith is faith that is willing to suffer for Christ. Again, hear the words of Jesus from Matthew 10:

“So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

Jesus, matthew 10:32-33

When we suffer for the sake of the gospel, we identify with Christ, who suffered on the cross for us.

Paul’s words are a much-needed corrective for us in the American church. So few of us have really had to count the cost of following Jesus and even fewer are prepared to suffer for Christ.

Most people want the benefits of the gospel without the cost of discipleship:

  • We are glad to have Jesus as our Savior. We don’t want him as Lord.
  • We want to go to heaven, but we don’t want to deny ourselves and forsake our sins.

Paul says that we should be willing to suffer for Christ, but many people can’t even make it to church more than once or twice a month.

  • Many give little or no money to the kingdom of God.
  • We would rather scroll through social media than the pages of God’s Word.
  • We think suffering is attending church instead of being on the lake or in the duck blind.
  • We think we’re suffering if we the worship service lasts more than an hour.

It’s no wonder that many church buildings are more than half empty most of the time. If we’re honest, most of the time, we don’t live lives that are worthy of the gospel.

I’m not trying to beat you up this morning, but rather I’m trying to challenge us to action.

30 – “engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have”

Paul was on the frontlines of gospel advancement and the Philippians were engaged in the same conflict that Paul was – spiritual war.

In Ephesians 6:11-13, Paul told the Ephesians to put on the armor of God. You only put on armor if you’re going to war. Friends, the devil is scheming against us! There are cosmic powers and spiritual forces of evil that want to destroy us. We are in a spiritual war!

We are crazy if we think that reaching people with the gospel will be easy. Paul was trying to spread the gospel message and he was imprisoned, awaiting trial. Satan wants to steal, kill and destroy people! Peter wrote that the devil is like a prowling lion, seeking who he may devour (1 Pet 5:8).

We cannot expect to win the spiritual war if we’re not ready to be engaged in battle and to be willing to suffer losses for the kingdom of God.

For us to win people to Christ:

  • It’s going to take more than letting the pastor do it.
  • It’s going to take prayer.
  • It’s going to require us to commit to Christ and the church and to not treat Sundays as an optional event in our schedules.
  • It’s going to take boldness.
  • It’s going to take us being willing to suffer for the sake of the gospel.
  • It’s going to take committing ourselves to the truth of the Word when it conflicts with our church’s traditions.

Church, we should live our lives in a way that is worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Jesus died for us. Let us live for him!

Let’s be unified around the gospel.

Let’s not fear those who oppose the gospel.

Let’s be willing to endure true suffering for Christ and the gospel.

If we are willing to do those things, then we will indeed be living in a way that is worthy of the gospel!


1 See here and here.

To Live is Christ – Philippians 1:18b-26


This blog is based on a sermon from Philippians. You can listen to the sermon here.

People will do incredible things to avoid death. Perhaps you’ve heard the story of hiker Aron Ralston.

While hiking, a boulder fell and pinned his right arm. After attempting to get free, on the sixth day, he amputated his right forearm with a dull multi-tool. He then rappelled down a 60 foot cliff and hiked eight miles before finding a family that took him to a rescue helicopter. He wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place, which was later made into a movie called 127 Hours.

People will do incredible things to avoid death. What lengths would you go to in order to avoid death?

Here’s a more important question: What do you live for?

Sermon Text: Philippians 1:18b-26

We should live for the glory of Christ (18b-20)

18b – Yes, and I will rejoice.

It’s evident through the book of Philippians that Paul is full of joy stemming from his union with Christ and his relationship with the Philippian church.

In v. 19, Paul mentions that he knows that he will be delivered. The deliverance that Paul speaks of is not his release from prison, but rather ultimate deliverance – the hope of being with Christ in life or in death (Phil 1:20-21).

Paul knew that whether he was executed for his faith or he continued to live and minister, that he would honor Christ in his body (v. 20). Paul’s confidence in this fact came from the prayers of the saints, the provision of the Holy Spirit, and the plan of God.

First, like Paul, we should have confidence in the prayers of the saints (v. 19).

Our trials should lead us not to despair, but to God in prayer.

Our trials should lead us not to despair, but to God in prayer.

Prayer is the normal means by which God provides help to the struggling believer (Jam 5:16). God uses the prayer of his people to provide strength to his servants.

In my church experience, there are some people that want prayer for the smallest things. If they stub their toe, they desire prayer. On the opposite end of the spectrum, some people never want to be put on the prayer list because they are so full of pride that they don’t want others to know about their struggles.

I want to encourage you to be like Paul and to be transparent with your prayer requests. This implies that you have relationships with others in your church that you can share your prayer requests with them. Relationships between believers are meant to be a source of encouragement to us!

Second, like Paul, we have confidence in the provision of the Holy Spirit (v. 19).

The Holy Spirit helps us in our hardest trials. I’m reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 8:26.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Romans 8:26

Third, like Paul, we should have confidence in the plan of God (v. 20).

Paul trusted in God’s sovereign plan when mentioned “whether by life or by death” in v. 20. Paul trusted that God knew what was best for him and the churches he was ministering to. Paul was resolved to honor Christ in life or in death. May we have the same confidence in God’s sovereignty. After all, He knows all our days (Ps 139:16).

We should long for the presence of Christ (21-23)

Paul lived for the glory of Christ, but he also longed for the presence of Christ.

Phil 1:21 – For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

What does it mean to live is Christ? It means that Christ completely defines the meaning of life. I’m reminded of Galatians 2:20.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Galatians 2:20

Verse 21 is a test for our lives. What do you live for? We show what’s most important to us by what we speak of and how we spend out time and money.

Some would say, “For me to live is money and possessions and to die is to leave it all behind.” These people work all the time so they can buy more stuff to make themselves happy.

Some would say, “For me to live is power and to die is to lose it all.” These people spend all their time trying to influence people for their own gain.

Some would say, “For me to live is beauty and to die is to rot in the grave.” These people work out all the time, eat perfectly, and spend hours in front of a mirror.

Some would say, “For me to live is entertainment and pleasure and to die is to be bored.” These people play video games or watch countless hours of TV or maybe enjoy pornography and sexual pleasure.

Some would say, “For me to live is sports and to die is to not get to enjoy competition.” These people spend lots of money and time playing and/or watching sports.

Some would say, “For me to live is the weekend and to die is to be alone.” These people spend excessive amounts of time with family and friends, to the detriment of their walk with Christ.

What will you be known for at your funeral?

  • A good man that worked hard and took care of his family?
  • Someone that loved to play golf?
  • A woman that was very beautiful?
  • A man that loved going hunting and fishing?

None of those things are bad, but by God’s grace, I hope that all of us would want to be known as men and women that were passionate about Christ and the furtherance of the gospel; that the gospel was the driving passion of our lives.

The gospel should change us. It should affect us so greatly that we can’t help but want to share its message with others. Consider Paul’s attitude in Acts 20:24.

But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

Acts 20:24

Phil 1:22-23 – If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell.  I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.

We see in these verses that Paul was torn between two options. He desired to be with Christ but he also saw the need for him to be able to minister to the Philippian church.

In v. 23, we see that if Paul only had his own interest to consider, then he would depart and be with Christ.

In our culture, we avoid death at all costs. Today, people die in hospitals and hospice houses. In the not-so-distant past, people died in their homes and even children knew about the reality of death.

In reality, death is not the enemy for the Christian. It is a boat that takes you where you want to go – to be with Christ. I’m not going to spend a ton of time on this topic, but Phil 1:23 is a verse that speaks against the idea of soul sleep.

Finally, notice that Paul doesn’t mention a desire for rewards or to be reunited with loved ones, but instead Paul desires Christ himself, who is the ultimate reward.

We’ve seen that we should live for the glory of Christ and long for the presence of Christ. Finally, we should labor among the people of Christ.

We should labor among the people of Christ (24-26)

There is more to life than meeting our needs and sustaining our bodies – we are to help others grow into spiritual maturity (vv. 24-26).

Paul is saying, “I want to be with Jesus, but I want to help your progress in the faith.”

Are you serving others in your local church? Are you a “necessary” member? Is it necessary for you to stay at your church? If you left, would people really miss you?

Are you serving for the progress and joy of others (v. 25)? Do you live for the benefit of others’ progress in the faith?

Paul was in his late 50s or early 60s when he wrote Philippians, yet he was continuing to faithfully labor among the churches he had planted for the glory of God. There is no such thing as retirement from God’s kingdom work!


What is the focus of your life?

For me to live is ___________. If you’re honest, how would you answer that question?

“Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

C.T. Studd

Do you live for the glory of Christ?

Do you long for the presence of Christ?

Are you laboring among the people of Christ?

At the beginning of my message, I said that people will go to great lengths to stay alive. The reality is that every one of us will die. When you depart from this life, will you be with Christ or separated from Him for all of eternity?

The Sign of the Resurrection – Matthew 12:38-42

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This blog post is adapted from a sermon I recently preached. Unfortunately, the sermon was not recorded.

Did you know that the sinfulness and lostness of people are not always apparent to the naked eye?

John MacArthur says it like this:

“Many outwardly religious, moral, and decent people say they believe in God and are kind and helpful to others. Even completely irreligious people sometimes live law-abiding lives and behave as good neighbors. Sometimes the kindly attitude and good works of unbelievers even put the behavior of some Christians to shame.”

He continues, “Many of them speak well of God, have high behavioral standards, are loving husbands and wives, caring parents, fair employers or employees, good citizens, and faithful friends.”

In other words, on the outside, many people appear to be what we would call good people. It is hard for us to imagine that these same people who may be our neighbors, family, friends, or even us could actually be separated from God and in danger of eternal hell.

The reality is that the most important evidence of godliness in our lives is not our behavior, but our attitude toward Jesus Christ. A person can look great on the outside, but at the same time can be an enemy of God.

In our passage (Matt 12:38-42), we see these kinds of people. We see devoted religious people who believed in God but were still looking for a sign.

What is a sign? A sign points to something greater than itself.

Consider a road sign. Road signs are important today, but they were even more important before GPS and Google Maps. When I was a boy, our family would often visit St. Louis during the summer. As we made our way from Arkansas into Missouri, we would of course look for road signs that told us how many miles we needed to travel to arrive at our destination. But there was always a sign that we looked for to know we were getting close – the Gateway Arch. Once we saw the big arch, we knew that we were drawing near.

Similarly, the Pharisees were men who were looking for a sign or evidence that would (dis)prove that Jesus was the Messiah, the Anointed One prophesied about in the Old Testament.

Sermon Text: Matt 12:38-42 (click link for text)


When this dialogue occurred, Jesus had been ministering for at least several months or perhaps even a year or more.

During Jesus’ ministry, He had started to become somewhat famous for a number of reasons:

  1. His teaching – He taught with authority.
  2. His healings – He physically healed people.
  3. His exorcisms – He cast out demons/unclean spirits.
  4. His power to raise the dead.

Jesus had become popular with the common folk of Palestine, but he had received some negative attention and criticism from the Pharisees.

Up until now in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus had a few recorded interactions with the Pharisees. But in chapter 12, things had started coming to a head.

Look at Matt 12:22-24

22 Then a demon-oppressed man who was blind and mute was brought to him, and he healed him, so that the man spoke and saw. 23 And all the people were amazed, and said, “Can this be the Son of David?” 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.”

After Jesus healed a man that was blind and mute, in v. 23, notice that the people begin to wonder if Jesus is the Messiah, the prophesied Son of David. But look at how the Pharisees responded in v. 24 – they attributed Jesus’ power to demonic power.

Now, back to verse 38.

Matt 12:38

Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.”

The Pharisees were the religious leaders in Jesus’ day. They were zealous students and teachers of God’s law as found in the Old Testament. They sought to apply God’s law to every single detail of life.

The problem with most of the Pharisees is that they were legalists, meaning that they believed they could earn God’s favor by their obedience to the law. They thought that if they studied enough to understand God’s law and tried hard enough to obey God’s law, then they could be righteous before God.

The Pharisees burdened people with their demands. They added to the requirements of the law. For example, if the law said you couldn’t travel on the Sabbath, they would ask, “What is traveling?” They would then get together and come up with a pharisaical law.

In so doing, they often missed the heart of the law. One example is found right here in this chapter – Matt 12:9-14. The Pharisees were angry with Jesus because He healed a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath. In their minds, Jesus was guilty of breaking the Sabbath.

The Pharisees ask Jesus for a sign – “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.”

In chapter 9, the Pharisees had seen Jesus heal a paralytic (9:1-7) and a mute man (9:32-34). Here in chapter 12, the Pharisees had seen Jesus heal a man with a withered hand (12:9-14) and a demon-oppressed man who was blind a mute (12:22-24).

And yet, the Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign to prove that He is the Son of David. In essence, they were demanding Jesus to prove that He was the Messiah. The scribes and Pharisees were the uncontested experts on the law, and they figured that the common people would look to them to be able to properly determine if Jesus was the Messiah. Thus, any “sign” that Jesus offered they would be the authority so as to disprove

So, what happens? Jesus refuses to play their game. One thing you have to remember about Jesus was that He did not come just to be an on-demand miracle worker. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost (Mark 1:38; Luke 19:10). He performed miracles out of love and to validate his message, but He would not be manipulated by those who had ulterior motives.


But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

What Jesus means by the phrase “evil and adulterous generation” is that the spiritual state of Israel is such that they are unfaithful to God and unresponsive to Jesus. In other words, this generation asks for a sign in the midst of Jesus’ obviously supernatural ministry, even after 400 years of silence between Malachi and Jesus.

Jesus continues, “no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”

If you remember, Jonah was an Old Testament prophet who was called by God to go to Nineveh. Jonah disobeyed God and fled to Tarshish. God sent a storm to get Jonah’s attention and eventually Jonah was thrown overboard by pagan sailors.

Now, after Jonah was thrown overboard, he began to sink down into the sea (Jon 2). When Jonah was near death, God spared Jonah’s life through a fish (Jon 2:10).

Jesus continues his conversation with the Pharisees:


For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

What does Jesus mean? Just as Jonah experienced a great and surprising deliverance, Jesus will experience a great and surprising (a surprise to the Pharisees, not to Jesus) deliverance in the resurrection. Just as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days, so Jesus will be entombed for three days in the heart of the earth.

As an aside, the phrase “three days and three nights” doesn’t have to mean a literal 72 hours or three complete days. It was an idiom that meant any part of three days.

Once Jonah started sinking, the sailors who threw him overboard thought He was dead. Once the Romans crucified Jesus, the Pharisees through that Jesus was dead for good.

Without a miracle of God, Jonah was dead. If Jesus wasn’t God, He couldn’t have walked out of the tomb on His own power. After raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus proclaimed, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he did, yet shall he live” (John 11:25-26).

The point that Jesus is getting at is this:

BIG IDEA: The resurrection is the decisive sign that shows us Jesus was and is God in human flesh.

The resurrection is the decisive sign that shows us Jesus was and is God in human flesh.

Jesus was telling the Pharisees that they would get a miraculous sign. To anyone with spiritual eyes to see, it would be obvious that Jesus was the Messiah, the ultimate deliverer of Israel and the Gentiles, and the very Son of God. Only God Himself can walk out of a tomb of His own power (not to mention predicting it in advance) and that is exactly what Jesus did.

The same holds true today. While many are seeking a sign from God to know if He exists or if He is good, God has given us the greatest sign. Not only has He given us His Word, the Bible, but God the Son, the second person of the Trinity, became a man. Truly, God became flesh.

  • He was prophesied about in the Old Testament.
  • He was conceived of the Holy Spirit.
  • He was born of a virgin Mary.
  • He lived a perfect life of obedience to God’s law.
  • He proved his divinity through his miracles.
  • He was crucified on a Roman cross as an atonement for the sins of the world.
  • He rose from the grave three days later, conquering death.

And one day, He will come again to gather his people and then he will judge the living and the dead.

I say all that to say this. If you refuse to see the sign of Jonah, then you will be condemned just as the Pharisees were condemned. Let’s look at verses 41-42.

If you refuse to see the sign of Jonah (the resurrection), then you will be condemned just as the Pharisees were condemned.


The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.”

During Jonah’s day, the Ninevites were enemies of Israel and considered wicked Gentiles. This must have been a gut punch to the Pharisees. You can imagine, the self-righteous teachers of the law being condemned by wicked Gentiles.

Jesus says that the Ninevites will condemn this generation because the Ninevites repented at Jonah’s preaching, and yet God in the flesh stands before them, and they refused to repent. If they continued to harden their hearts, then they will be condemned on judgment day.

Likewise, if you’re reading this article and you will not repent of your sin and trust in Jesus, then you too will be condemned to hell.

And finally, v. 42.


The queen of the South will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and behold, something greater than Solomon is here.

Jesus uses another example to prove His point. Just as the Ninevites will rise up on judgment day and condemn this generation that refuses to repent, so will Queen Sheba, another Gentile.

In 1 Kings 10, she traveled a great distance (around 1200 miles) to meet King Solomon. She had heard of this wisdom and riches, but she wouldn’t believe it until she witnessed it with her own eyes.

“And behold,” Jesus says, “something greater than Solomon is here.” Solomon was the last king of Israel before the kingdom split. And yet Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, was standing before the Pharisees clothed in human flesh.


Even though the Pharisees had seen Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, and forgive sin, they willfully refused to believe in Him despite the undeniable evidence that had been put before them.

The Pharisees rejected Jesus not because a lack of evidence, but because of their spiritual pride. They refused to acknowledge that they were sinners in need of repentance. They refused to acknowledge that their obedience was not sufficient to make them righteous – that they needed God’s grace and mercy as much as the prostitute and the tax collectors.

The Pharisees rejected Jesus not because a lack of evidence, but because of their spiritual pride.

Today, there are still people looking for a sign from God. They are looking for a certain feeling during worship. They wish to hear from God in dreams. They long to speak in tongues. They wish that God would heal their bodies, grant them a promotion at work, or provide a mate. They think that if God would do this, then they would know that God is real and that He loves them.

The Bible says differently. The Bible says that God has already shown us His love through the giving of His Son Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:32 – He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Friends, God has given us all the signs we need. He has given us His Holy Word. In the Bible, we are told of a God who created men and women in His image. Adam and Eve fell into sin. But God did not leave us on our own. He spoke through prophets, and He speaks now through His Son.

Listen to Hebrews 1:1-4

1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. 3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.

As you read this article, you have two options:

Will you harden your heart before God when he has given us the sign of Jesus and His resurrection?

No matter how good your life appears to be on the surface, if you refuse to see the clear signs that God has given and trust in Christ and submit to his lordship, then you, like the Pharisees, will be damned to hell.

Or will you humble yourself before God, knowing that Jesus’ life, death, burial and resurrection was a work of almighty God? Do you acknowledge that Jesus was truly God in the flesh and that He is coming again?

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