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Tag: joy

Unity, Joy, and Peace in Christ – Philippians 4:1-9


This blog is based on a sermon from Philippians. You can listen to the sermon here (though not all of it got recorded).

So far in Philippians, there have been two main concerns:

  • External opposition (Phil 1:27-30; 3:1-2)
  • Internal division (Phil 2:1-4)

In the first three chapters (81 verses) there are 15 imperatives. In today’s text (Phil 4:1-9), there are nine imperatives in nine verses. In the last section of Philippians (Phil 4:10-23) there are no imperatives. Thus, the meat of the actionable commands Paul gives in Philippians are found in today’s text.

Sermon Text: Philippians 4:1-9

We are to stand firm in the Lord (1)

1 Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.

Verse one is a transitional verse. It says to “Stand firm” (also see Phil 1:27). Roman soldiers were commanded to “stand firm” and never retreat even when their life was in danger.

Likewise, Paul says to the Philippian church: stand firm! Whatever happens in this life, we are to stand firm in the Lord and pursue Him with all we have as we look for His return! I’m reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 10.

Matthew 10:28

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

We are to seek unity in Christ (2-3)

2-3 – entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

Paul wants the Philippian church to be unified. In Phil 1:27, he writes that the church is to “stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.”

Unity isn’t just essential for keeping the peace. It’s essential for the sake of the mission. We will never be a faithful Great Commission church to the extent that we are fighting amongst ourselves. The same thing holds true in the SBC, the convention of churches to which we belong. To be clear, I’m not advocating in any way the compromise of truth.

Keep in mind that Philippians was a letter delivered to the church (probably by Epaphroditus) that would be read in church. Paul names two ladies by name – Euodia and Syntyche.

As I read verses two and three, I’m reminded that our source of unity is Christ. In verses 2, Paul says, “agree in the Lord.” The glue that holds the church is our love for Christ. First John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.”

We also see that even those who love Christ will have disagreements. Notice what he says about these ladies: They have “labored side by side with me in the gospel.” Their names “are in the book of life.”

Churches die everyday because they forget that the mission of the church is not to draw a crowd, or to make themselves happy but to make disciples (Matt 28:18-20).

Paul is reminding the church who these two ladies are and reminding these women that the spread of the gospel is more important than their disagreement.

The same is true for us. The spread of the gospel and the making of disciples is more important than you getting your way or me getting my way.

The question we as a church need to answer when making decisions in the church is, “Will this help us make mature disciples of Jesus?”

The question every church needs to answer when making decisions is this: “Will this help us make mature disciples of Jesus?”

Third, we are to help one another resolve conflicts. Paul writes, “help these women [to agree in the Lord].” True companion or true partner refers to someone in the church. This could be a pastor or someone else. We simply don’t know.

We need to be people that tell our church members to “agree in the Lord.” Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matt 5:9).

Will you seek unity with one another in the church?

Will you ask for help when you have a conflict in the church?

Are you willing to provide help to people in conflict?

We are to find our joy in Christ (4)

4 “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.”

Paul tells the Philippians where to find their joy – “in the Lord”. He even repeats the command just in case they missed it (“again I will say, rejoice”). Paul writing from prison, wants these believers to know that their inner attitude does not have to reflect their outward circumstances.

Your inner attitude does not have to reflect your outward circumstances.

If Paul would’ve dwelled on his circumstances, he would have been bitter towards God and useless for the advance of the gospel. Instead, Paul was in prison writing a letter to the Philippian church.

Where do you find joy in your life? If I looked at your bank statement and your planner I could take a few guesses. Here are some possiblities:

  • Health
  • Money and possessions
  • Freedoms
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Being liked by others
  • Sports

There is nothing wrong with any of these things per se, but if you are finding your joy in these things then your joy can be taken away.

  • Health – a car wreck, an accident on the job, a bad diagnosis
  • Money and possessions – fire, tornado, flood, stock market crashes
  • Freedoms – can be taken away
  • Marriage or children – your spouse isn’t perfect and your children are not worthy of your worship
  • Being liked by others– people are fickle and will disappoint you
  • Sports – your favorite team will lose and there will be dry spells

Most people think you will have joy when you get what you want, but real joy comes when you realize what you deserve. This is the truth of the gospel.

As sinners, as people who fall short of God’s glory, we deserve God’s wrath to be poured out on us. Instead, we are offered salvation through faith in Christ and his work on the cross. When you realize that you deserve judgement, but you’ve received salvation, this leads to great joy. True joy is not found in getting what you want, but being grateful for what you have in Christ.

True joy is not found in getting what you want, but being grateful for what you have in Christ.

Remember, Paul is writing from prison. In next week’s sermon, Paul tells the Philippians that he has learned how to be content in any situation. Would you like to have contentment in any situation?

If you want to have true contentment, then you have to get your joy from Christ! This is what Christ meant when He said that He came that we might have abundant life (John 10:10)! Abundant life comes from knowing Christ and treasuring Him above anything else.

Christian, rejoice in the Lord!

We are to be gracious people (5a)

“Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.”

The ESV says reasonableness, other translations: graciousness, considerate, gentle spirit, gentleness.

We need this kind of spirit to get along with others and to be reconciled when there is division. We need to respect one another, even when we have disagreement. It’s also important for our witness to a watching world. John 1:14 says that Jesus dwelt among us, and He was full of grace and truth.

If someone observed your life, would they describe you as gentle, gracious, and reasonable? What if we looked at your social media feed?

We are to be gracious and gentle people.

We are put off anxiety as we pray to God (5b-7)

Paul wants the church to know “The Lord is at hand” (5b)

This phrase could mean that the return of Jesus is near or it could mean that His presence is near.

Both statements were and are theologically true. I’m going to focus more on the latter meaning. For Christians, God is always near. We see this in verses like 1 Peter 3:12.

1 Pet 3:12a

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer.

Have you ever been in a scary situation? In a museum one time, I stepped onto an elevator with my kids. They weren’t scared at first, but then the lights went out. At first they got really scared, but then they weren’t afraid. Why? Because I (their dad) was with them and they could hold my hand.

The same is true with God. Whatever we’re going through, we can reach out to our Father. This is a church that is suffering (Phil 1:29). We know that there is disunity, and that they are experiencing opposition from the Roman government and the Judaizers. They are concerned about Paul and Epaphroditus. In some sense, the church is in a “dark” place.

When you experience darkness in your life, how do you respond?

  • Do you have a panic attack?
  • Do you hit the bottle?
  • Do you call a friend?
  • Do you take some anxiety pills?

Paul is telling us, “The Lord is hand.” He goes further:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. (6)

It’s no surprise that these verses are so close to v. 4. In v. 4 we are told to rejoice in the Lord. Here, Paul tells us to not be anxious. Anxiety (or worry) is the greatest thief of joy.

Prov 12:25 – Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down.

How is it possible to not be anxious about anything? Really, Paul?

Remember, Paul is in prison and is unsure whether or not he will be put to death for treason for declaring that Jesus, and not Caesar, is Lord.

Paul says not to be anxious about anything, but in everything we are to go to God in prayer with a heart of thanksgiving.

When we are anxious, we are acting like unbelievers.

  • We are doubting God’s goodness. We wonder, how could God be good if this is happening to me?
  • We are doubting God’s sovereignty. We wonder, how could God possibly use this for good?
  • We are doubting God’s power. We wonder, can God really deliver me from this trial?

But when we go to God in prayer, we are proclaiming to ourselves:

  • That God is a good and perfect Father and is worthy of our trust.
  • We are totally dependent on God and only He has the power to deliver us.

We sometimes pray that we could be closer to God but often we don’t like the methods He uses to answer our prayer.

Remember, if Jesus is your ultimate treasure and your source of joy, no matter what happens, He can never be taken away!

Philippians 1:21 – For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain!

Am I or Paul saying that we never experience great pain in this life? Absolutely not. What Paul is saying, is that through the pain, don’t be anxious but go to God in prayer.

Proverbs 3:5a – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

When we do this, look at the result:

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (7)

Paul was chained to a Roman guard. There was no escaping. Paul is telling the Philippians: just as certain as I am being guarded by Roman guards, God will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

True peace is not found in positive thinking or good vibes, but in knowing that God is in control.

True peace is not found in positive thinking or good vibes, but in knowing that God is in control.

What are you anxious about this morning?

  • The state of our country
  • Inflation, gas prices, and the stock market
  • How you’re raising your kids
  • Your marriage isn’t where you want it to be
  • Job security
  • Your health
  • Your finances
  • Getting older and closer to death

Do you find yourself anxious? Take time to prayerfully memorize and meditate on Philippians 4:4–7.

Defeat all of your anxiety by trusting in God’s goodness and in His sovereignty. The same God that Paul wrote about is the same God we serve today. He is just as worthy of our trust today as He was when Paul wrote these words.

I’ve never met someone who is faithful in prayer who is also anxious. Isaiah 26:3 says that God keeps him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him.

We could summarize verses 5-7 like this:

If you’re every anxious about anything, go to God in prayer and then you will have the peace that surpasses all understanding.

We are to think about excellent, praiseworthy things (8)

“if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Paul defines what things are excellent and praiseworthy: things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable.

Don’t fill your mind with anxious thoughts, but instead fill it with things that are excellent and praiseworthy.

Our thoughts should be focused on God, His Word, and the hope that we have in the gospel.

We are to be obedient to Christ (9)

9“What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things”

Paul says the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me – do them! The truths of Scripture only take root when we practice (obey) them.

As a pastor, I can teach my flock the Bible, but they have to choose to obey it. The end result of preaching and teaching is not Bible knowledge, but obedience to Christ!

Are you a follower of Christ that can say this: “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things?”

We can’t live the Christian life alone. Thankfully, God is with us (9b, 2:13).

In conclusion, there is a lot in this passage. Let’s obey it together for God’s glory!

We are to stand firm in the Lord (1)

We are to seek unity in Christ (2-3)

We are to find our joy in Christ (4)

We are to be gracious people (5a)

We are to put off anxiety as we pray to God (5b-7)

We are to think about excellent, praiseworthy things (8)

We are to be obedient to Christ (9)

Finding Joy in Christ and Community – Philippians 1:3-8


I recently began a sermon series in Philippians. Unfortunately, this sermon was not recorded. Here is an older version of the sermon I previously preached (click here).

An Overview of Philippians (PDF)

“I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”

Perhaps you’ve heard that song by U2. I looked up the song this week on YouTube, and it’s been played almost 140 million times.

That song is so popular because people are looking for something. Ultimately, whether they realize it or not, people are looking for something that will bring them purpose and joy.

Do you have joy in your heart as you’re reading this post? I hope that you do.

But I also know it’s very possible that you are not joyful. Maybe you’re discouraged for whatever reason. Maybe your job isn’t going well. Maybe you have problems in your marriage or with your children. Maybe your health is not good.

In Philippians 1:3-8, we see how that we can have joy, even during difficult circumstances.

Last week, I introduced the book of Philippians (see post).

One of the things that we looked at was the back story of the church in Philippi, which is found in Acts 16.

As you recall, Paul loved the church at Philippi, which he founded about 10 years before he wrote this letter. He wrote this letter in part because the church was discouraged that Paul, a missionary whom they had financially supported, was now imprisoned for preaching the gospel.

So, Paul wrote this letter to encourage these Christians who were young in the faith and discouraged. In the early verses of the letter, Paul writes with a tone of joy – that the Philippians (and us) can have joy because of Christ and the gospel.

Consider this: Paul was in chains because of the gospel, and yet he was likely the happiest man in Rome (if that is where he was imprisoned). How could this be? Ancient Rome was like a modern-day Las Vegas. There were games, sexual pleasures, parties, and more. And yet, the happiest man in Rome sat in prison.

Do you think you need something other than Jesus to find real joy? Perhaps you wish you could make more money or build a bigger house or build a bigger church. I agree with Tony Merida when he says that what we really need is a bigger vision of God. [1]Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in Philippians, 23

The reason that Paul was happy even in prison is this: when you come to know God through His Son, Jesus Christ, you can have a joy that can never be taken away no matter what is going on in your life. This morning, we see four ways we can experience joy in the Christian life from our text.

  1. We can know the joy of prayer (Phil 1:3-4)
  2. We can know the joy of gospel partnerships (Phil 1:5)
  3. We can know the joy of God’s work within us (Phil 1:6)
  4. We can know the joy of affection toward other believers (Phil 1:7-8)

Philippians 1:3-8 (click link for text)

First, I want to encourage you, to know the joy of prayer.

Know the joy of prayer (3-4)

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy,

Every time Paul thought about the Philippians, he thanked God for them. As Paul thought of the Philippians, he was overwhelmed by joy.

Notice that Paul emphasizes that he was grateful for all of the Philippian Christians. In verses 4, 7, and 8, Paul makes it clear that he is thankful for all the Christians there. Even though the church wasn’t perfect, Paul was grateful for them.

  • Like Paul, we should look for evidence of grace in people’s lives.
  • If you’re a super critical person who is always focused on what’s wrong in the church, then you will not have joy.
  • Don’t allow something small or petty within the church rob you of your joy and gratitude for the church and its leadership.
  • Look at the big picture and give thanks to God!

A question you might ask yourself is this: “Are you the kind of Christian who brings joy to your pastors and fellow church members when they think of you?”

“Are you the kind of Christian who brings joy to your pastors and fellow church members when they think of you?”

When Paul interceded on behalf of the Philippians, Paul had great joy. Paul was faithful to pray for the Philippian church because he loved them.

Are we as a church a prayerful people?

Are we faithful to thank God for those who have ministered to us? Perhaps it’s a previous pastor or church member, or a family member.

Maybe you lack joy because you are too focused on your own problems instead of being thankful to God for those who brought you the gospel.

The great thing about having the joy of prayer is that God is always listening. No matter where you are or what you’ve done, God always listens to those who call out to Him in faith.

Paul was in prison for the sake of the gospel, but he knew the joy of prayer.

And like Paul, we can know the joy of gospel partnerships.

Know the joy of gospel partnerships (5)

“…because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

Why was Paul joyful every time he prayed for the Philippians? It’s because, as v. 5 says, Paul had a partnership in the gospel with this church.

Last week, we saw that Paul planted the church during a missionary journey through Macedonia (Acts 16). Since that time, the church at Philippi had supported Paul’s missionary endeavors.

In chapter 4, Paul said that the Philippian church was the only one that helped him financially after he left Macedonia (Phil 4:15–16).

Notice in v. 5 that the Philippian church had partnered with Paul “from the first day.” From the beginning of its existence, the church at Philippi was supportive of Paul’s work of advancing the gospel.

  • When we share in the work of the gospel, it is a sign that God is working in us and through us.
  • We must remember that we are partners in ministry with other likeminded churches (association, SBC) and even churches that are from other denominations but preach the message of grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
  • We are not competing with other churches – there are plenty of lost people to be reached with the gospel and discipled to spiritual maturity.
  • In partnering together for the gospel, we recognize our differences, but we celebrate our unity in Jesus and commit to the mission of making the gospel known.

The word that is translated partnership is koinonia, which is more commonly translated as fellowship.

As we see in this text, true fellowship, or partnership, is not just spending time with other Christians (although that’s not a bad thing).

In true Christian fellowship, the koinonia relationships exist because of the gospel (what God has done for us in Christ) and for the purpose of advancing the gospel (which God does through us).

D.A. Carson writes, “Both from Paul’s example and from that of the Philippians…we learn that the fellowship of the gospel, the partnership of the gospel, should be at the center of our relationships with other believers.” [2]Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians, 19

What do you talk about w/ other believers? Weather? Sports? Politics?

It’s okay to talk about these things from time to time, but the point is that we are meant for deep, meaningful relationships within the church.

My encouragement for you is to find other church members who will help you become more like Christ and spend time with them!

We can know the joy of prayer and of gospel partnerships. And third, we can know the joy of God’s work within you.

Know the joy of God’s work within you (6)

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Verse 6 speaks to both God’s work in the life of the church at Philippi and in the life of the individuals that make up the church.

Paul says that God has begun a work in the Christians at the church at Philippi and that he will bring it to completion.

This verse is important for a number of reasons.

  • First, it tells us that God is the one that begun a good work in us. Romans 5 says that even while we were weak, even while we were ungodly, even while we were sinners and enemies of God that Christ died for our sins.
  • Second, this verse tells us that God finishes what he starts. If we are united with Christ (that is, we have been saved), then God will eventually complete the work of conforming us to the image of his Son (Rom 8:29). We don’t have to worry about losing our salvation. If we are truly saved, then we can count on the promise of Scripture that God finishes what he starts.
  • Third, this verse shows us that we cannot be perfect (without sin) in this life (“will bring it to completion”). It’s rare, but occasionally you may talk with someone who believes in Christian perfectionism – the idea that someone can live without sin in this life. This verse, along with several others in Philippians (Phil 1:25; 3:12-14, 20-21) destroys this idea.

Typically, we think of salvation as a one-time event. But biblically, we have been saved, we are being saved, and one day we will be saved. This verse teaches all three:

  1. First, God began a work in you. That is justification, a one-time event when we were saved. In justification, God, through Christ has worked for us – we are justified.
  2. Second, God is working in us to make us more like Christ. This is called sanctification. Sanctification occurs from the point in time where you were converted, or justified, to the time that you die. All through your life, God is working in you and through you.
  3. And when Jesus comes back, He will bring the work of sanctification to an end. He will complete His work and we will get our new bodies. This is called glorification.

Here is a graphic illustrating this:

Salvation in Philippians 1:6
Salvation in Philippians 1:6

Kent Hughes, a longtime pastor, said it this way:

“As I reflect on my fifty plus years in Christ it is indeed God who has kept me. It is not my grip on God that has made the difference, but his grip on me. I am not confident in my goodness. I am not confident in my character. I am not confident in my history. I am not confident in my “reverend” persona. I am not confident in my perseverance.” (Kent Hughes)

John MacArthur has famously said, “If you could lose your salvation, you would.”

I can’t help but read verse 6 and have joy. I am convinced that if we mediate what God has done in our lives and what He continues to do in our lives that we will have joy.

And finally, may we know the joy of affection toward other believers.

Know the joy of affection toward other believers (7-8)

It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.

Clearly, Paul loved this church. He says that he holds them in his heart. That is, the Christians at Philippi have a special place in Paul’s heart.

Paul loved this church the way that grandparents love their grandchildren. He was proud of them and the work that God was doing both in them and through them. He goes on. He writes:

“…for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.”

Paul is referring to the common bond that he shares with the Philippians. They are partakers with him of grace. They are united in fellowship because of the gospel.

The glue that holds the church together should be the gospel. It’s not the color of our skin, our social status, our income level, or our political beliefs or that we’re all Cowboys and like to ride horses.

This means that you should have more in common with a Chinese Christian than your neighbor across the street that hates God but votes the same way that you do.

The gospel must be the central focus in our church!

The reason we gather each week is because of what Christ has accomplished on the cross. We gather to celebrate the work of Christ, to hear the Word of God preached, and to grow into Christlikeness. If something besides the gospel becomes our central focus, then we should no longer call ourselves a church!

Paul wanted to thank the Philippians for supporting him through prayer and the financial gift they had sent to him while he was in prison. In the ancient world, imprisonment was a source of great shame, and the Philippians had encouraged Paul with a financial gift as he preached and defended the gospel.

8 – “For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.”

Paul yearned to see the people he loved. His source of affection for them was the love of Christ. I hope you feel the same way about your fellow church members as well as other Christians that you know.

Paul couldn’t just Facetime these believers to check in. It would be many months before he would see them again. Fortunately for us, we are able to see each other almost every week.

I wonder though, do you yearn to see your brothers and sisters each week? Do you miss the fellowship of other believers when you are apart?

If you don’t love your brothers and sisters in Christ, then you need to check your heart.

When the gospel is central in our relationships with other believers, we will know the joy of affection toward them.


This morning, I hope that you can have the joy that Paul had. Even in difficult circumstances, Paul had great joy because of Christ and the community of fellow believers.

Do you have the joy that comes from knowing Christ as Lord and Savior?

Do you know the joy of prayer?

Do you know the joy of gospel partnerships?

Do you know the joy of God’s work within you?

Do you know the joy of affection towards other believers?

If you know Christ, then you have access to all these sources of joy. Take every thought captive and make them obedient to Christ. Do not look at your circumstances. Look around and see God’s hand at work in your own life and in the lives of others.

Look to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith and our greatest source of joy.


1 Christ-Centered Exposition: Exalting Jesus in Philippians, 23
2 Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians, 19

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