I was asked at church last night to share my thoughts on the Asbury revival. I have not personally attended Asbury. So, rather than share about Asbury specifically, I want to share some general principles for how to think about revivals in light of God’s Word.

1. Be hopeful. We should always be hopeful when multitudes of people want to worship. We should not be averse to God’s work.

2. Be discerning. We are told in Scripture to test the spirits (1 John 4:1). As Christians, we should always test things according to God’s Word. Anything that violates God’s Word is not Christian worship. Also see Matthew 7:15-20.

3. Be patient. In the parable of the sower (or the soils), Jesus said the seed of the gospel is sown but it only takes root and bears fruit when it falls on good soil. If you read the parable (Mark 4:1-20), you’ll see that some people may look like they have been converted but in reality they have not. When persecutions or prosperity come, their true spiritual state is revealed. If someone has truly had an encounter with God and has been converted, then there will be radical life change (Gal 2:20). The way to evaluate whether revival has occurred is if people are living lives of obedience to Christ (Luke 6:46). Also see Acts 5:38-39.

4. Be prayerful. We should pray for those who attended. We should pray that God would help us to hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matt 5:6). Pray that the gospel would bear fruit in the lives of those who participated (John 15:8).

5. Be intentional. If you know someone that has participated in a revival, then pray for them. Seek to disciple them. Help them grow in spiritual maturity. Make sure they get plugged into a healthy local church.

6. Be faithful. You do not have to travel to a college campus to experience revival. If you are a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit within you. You have God’s Word that is living and active. God’s Spirit uses God’s Work to do God’s work. Read God’s Word. Practice family worship. Be a committed church member of a healthy church. In so doing, you are being faithful to God. Seeking emotional experiences with no desire to live a holy life is idolatry.