I’m going to try something new this week on the blog. Normally, I post full manuscripts of my sermon notes. This week, I’m only posting a quick summary, outline, Bible references, and the link to the sermon video.

Sermon text: Mark 7:1-23


In vv. 1-13, Jesus clashes with the Jewish religious over standards of ritual cleanness. The religious leaders question Jesus’ leadership of his disciples in this area because they were not washing their hands before eating. This had nothing to do with hygiene, but was a matter of ritual cleansing. The religious leaders care more about Jesus affirming their standards than God’s Law itself. Jesus rebukes them for this attitude.

In vv. 14-23, Jesus teaches the crowd and his disciples that cleansing rituals don’t make you clean because they only address the external. The problem is much deeper. The problem is that our hearts are sick and they need to be made new.


True Christianity is based on God’s Word, not religious traditions (vv. 1-13)

True Christianity addresses humanity’s greatest need – our sin sick hearts (vv. 14-23)

Verses Referenced

Jeremiah 17:9; Genesis 6:5; 1 Samuel 16:7

Sermon Video