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Category: Study Resources

Resources for Studying and Preaching Ruth

Resources for Studying and Preaching Ruth

Below are some of the resources I used while preparing my sermons in Ruth. I commend them to you for personal study as well as teaching and preaching. Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list of resources. I have placed them in order of helpfulness.

ESV Study Bible

Teaching Ruth & Esther: From text to message

Ruth: Redemption for the Broken

From Famine to Fullness: The Gospel According to Ruth

Handbook on the Historical Books

For more resources, visit

Resources for Studying and Preaching Philippians

Resources for Studying and Preaching Philippians

Below are some of the resources I used while preparing my sermons in Philippians. I commend them to you for personal study as well as teaching and preaching. Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list of resources. I have placed them in order of helpfulness.

ESV Study Bible

ESV Expository Commentary

Exalting Jesus in Philippians (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary)

Basics for Believers: An Exposition of Philippians

The Message of the New Testament

For more resources, visit

Resources for Studying and Preaching Jonah

Resources for Studying and Preaching Jonah

Below are some of the resources I used while preparing my sermons in Jonah. I commend them to you for personal study as well as teaching and preaching. Obviously this is not an exhaustive list of resources. I have placed them in order of helpfulness.

ESV Study Bible

The Gospel According to the Old Testament: Salvation Through Judgment and Mercy

ESV Expository Commentary


The Message of the Old Testament

For more resources, visit

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