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So far in Mark, we’ve looked at Mark’s introduction to Jesus. Mark introduced us to John the Baptist, who himself pointed to Jesus. Where John baptized with water, Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8).

Jesus was baptized by John. Jesus’ baptism was a kind of commissioning service. The Spirit descended on Jesus, a sign that the Spirit would empower Jesus during his ministry. The Father declared his approval of the Son.

Immediately after Jesus’ baptism, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to do battle with Satan. While in the wilderness for 40 days, Jesus overcame Satan where those before him had failed. Jesus proved to be the new and better Adam – the true Son of God (see Rom 5:12-21).

In our text today, Mark tells us that John has been arrested (Mark 1:14). We know from Matthew 4:13 that Jesus is living in Capernaum.

Jesus’ Early Ministry – from the ESV Study Bible

Sermon Text: Mark 1:14-20

Mark 1:14-15

Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

These verses are a summary of Jesus’ ministry. Verse 15 is the core message that Jesus preached during his earthly ministry; that the kingdom of God is at hand and to repent and believe in the gospel.

The kingdom of God is the new age that began when Jesus came. While the Jews were expecting a Messiah who would liberate them from the rule of the Romans, Jesus came as a preacher. Later in his ministry, Jesus would say that his kingdom was not of this world.

The kingdom of God represents God’s rule on earth. It was started when Jesus came, and it will be consummated when he returns. Jesus gave us a glimpse of what the kingdom of God looks like during his ministry. He healed the sick, delivered the demonized, and brought the dead back to life.

In the present dimension of God’s kingdom, we are called to repent of sin and believe in the person and work of Jesus. In the future dimension of God’s kingdom, we will live with Jesus in the New Creation after he comes again.[1]Robin Sydserff, Teaching Mark: From Text to Message, 145-46.

In my first sermon in Mark, I said that Mark wants us to know who Jesus is, why he came, and what that means for us. Today’s message focuses on who Jesus is and what that means for us.

Mark 1:16-20

16 Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. 17 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” 18 And immediately they left their nets and followed him. 19 And going on a little farther, he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were in their boat mending the nets. 20 And immediately he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him.

I live in the southern part of the United States. If I was to talk to someone in my community that professed to be a Christian and ask them how they know that they are a Christian, I might get answers like this:

  • I have been baptized.
  • I am a member of a church.
  • I regularly attend church and faithfully give.
  • I believe in God.
  • I believe in Jesus.

Of course, all Christians should be able to affirm those statements. I will argue later that if belief merely constitutes intellectual assent (believing a fact to be true) then that does not constitute saving faith. In America, we usually use the words Christian or believer to describe a Christ follower. Those are okay words to use, but by far the most popular word in the New Testament to describe a follower of Christ is the word disciple.

In his book Spiritual Discipleship, J. Oswald Sanders notes that the New Testament knows nothing of a Christian that is not a disciple. The word disciple is used 269 times while the word Christian is only used three times, and the word believer only twice![2]J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Discipleship, 8.

What is a disciple? A disciple is a learner, follower, or apprentice. In our culture, we think of prospective doctors working a residency, a student teacher spending time with a veteran teacher, or an aspiring plumber working under a master plumber.

Something that is interesting about Jesus’ call to these first disciples is that he called them. In biblical times, it was normally the students that would choose a rabbi to follow. Instead, Jesus called his disciples. Notice that he does not call them to a vocation or a particular teaching. Rather, the disciples were called them to model themselves after Jesus himself. It should be noted that this was not the first time that these men had encountered Jesus (see John 1:35-51).

In today’s post, I want to talk about what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus. The bottom line is this: true disciples follow Jesus!

Disciples of Jesus recognize the true king (15)

The first mark of a disciple is that they recognize the true king. They recognize Jesus as the true Son of God. Sure, at this time these early disciples didn’t fully understand who Jesus was. But by the end of their time spent with him, they knew that Jesus was truly God in the flesh. A true disciple of Jesus must recognize him for who he is – the perfect Son of God who became a man in order to save his people (John 1:14; Matt 1:21).

Disciples of Jesus practice repentance (15)

What is repentance? Repentance is not just feeling bad or guilty about our behavior. Rather, repentance is a reorientation of worship from our idols to God. An idol is something you cannot be fulfilled without. It could be money, other’s opinions, security, comfort, children, sports, or many other things.

1 Thess 1:9

For they themselves report concerning us the kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God.

That’s what repentance looks like. Disciples turn from worshiping themselves and idols to worshiping God. God gives us a new heart, resulting in a transformed life. Paul Washer says it this way: when you become a Christian, you hate the sin you once loved and love the righteousness you once hated.

Disciples of Jesus believe the gospel (15)

What is belief or faith? Biblical faith is not just intellectual assent to facts. For example, there are many people that would affirm that Jesus is the Son of God and he has died for their sins. Biblical faith doesn’t just mean knowing something with your head. It means that you know it in your heart – so much so that you’re willing to build your life upon the words of Jesus (Matt 7:24-25).

By way of example, if I asked you to go skydiving with me, you can say all day long that you believe in parachutes. But the moment that you truly show your belief to be true is when you jump out of the plane! At that moment, you are trusting in that parachute to keep you alive. It’s the same with biblical faith. When Jesus says that we must believe in the gospel, he means that we are trusting in his life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor 15:3-4) rather than our good works.

True faith will be evidenced by a continuing obedience to the words of Jesus (John 8:31-32; Jam 1:22; 1 John 2:3-6). Jesus doesn’t say that we should trust a prayer, a baptism, or church membership as evidence of true faith. Rather, true faith is evidenced by a life of obedience (Jam 2:14-17).

Disciples of Jesus are from every walk of life (16, 19)

Jesus was living in Capernaum (Matt 4:13). In verses 16 and 19, Jesus calls his first disciples. These disciples were fishermen. But Jesus also called a tax collector (Mark 2:13-14) and a zealot (Luke 6:15). Tax collectors were seen as traitors to their own people while zealots were Israelite patriots who resented the Romans. However, Jesus brings them together. You see, Jesus calls rich people and poor people to follow him. He calls the blue collar and the white collar. He calls people from cities and the hills. He calls black people, white people, Hispanics, and Asian people. He calls people from every tribe, nation, and tongue to follow him (Rev 5:9; 7:9).

Disciples of Jesus count the cost of following Jesus (14, 18, 20)

Disciples realize that they must count the cost to follow Christ. Jesus only began his ministry after John was arrested (v. 14). Simon and Andrew “left their nets and followed him” (v. 18). James and John “left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him.” James and John left a profitable business (they had hired servants) that they stood to inherit from their father. And yet, these disciples recognized that following Jesus was ultimate.

This text and other texts such as Luke 9:57-62 and Luke 14:25-33 indicate that Christ demands that being his disciple is the primary commitment in one’s life. Following Christ is more important than our family and our vocations. This doesn’t mean that our families or jobs are unimportant. It means that we must be loyal to Christ even if our families reject us. We are to be loyal to Christ even if means that we are persecuted for our beliefs (for instance, read this article about Jack Phillips, a Colorado cake baker).

Several years ago there was a study done to see what Christians in America believed. The findings were summarized in a term called moralistic therapeutic deism. In short, most people believe that (1) God exists, (2) God wants me to be a good person, (3) God makes me feel good about myself, (4) God is not really involved in my life.

This is not biblical Christianity. Christianity is not something we just tack on to our lives. Jesus demands that we follow him with everything (Mark 8:34-36). We worship Him above all else. We are given a new identity (2 Cor 5:17). Jesus doesn’t just make us nice people. He makes us new people! We abandon our life without Jesus for a life with Jesus.[3]Robin Sydserff, Teaching Mark, 146.

Jesus doesn’t just make us nice people. He makes us new people!

Disciples of Jesus make disciples (17)

From the beginning of his call, Jesus intended to mold his disciples for the mission. Notice, he says to his first disciples: “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Jesus called these men for a purpose – to follow him and to make more followers.

Jesus made this even more explicit in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20). Jesus told his followers to go with the gospel, baptize those who respond, and teach them to obey him in all of life for the rest of life.

The message has not changed in 2000 years. We preach Christ and him crucified (1 Cor 2:1-2). When we fish, it kills the fish. When we fish for men, we are seeking to hook them with the gospel. We want to see people die to their sins and become alive to Christ and his mission.

This passage describes Christianity in a nutshell – King Jesus has come, and he demands that we turn from our sin and believe in him, and follow him. But it doesn’t stop there – we are also to help others know and follow King Jesus.

As you read this post, I want you to consider – are you living as a disciple of Jesus?

  • Have you recognized Jesus as your true king? Is he the lord of your life?
  • Do you practice repentance? Do you hate your sin?
  • Do you believe the gospel – not just with your mind but your heart?
  • Are you dying to yourself and following Jesus?
  • Are you seeking to make disciples and to fulfill the great commission? 

Being a Christian is not just attending a service and believing the right facts about God. Being a Christian means that I am a slave to Christ that seeks to honor him with my whole life (1 Cor 6:19-20).


1 Robin Sydserff, Teaching Mark: From Text to Message, 145-46.
2 J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Discipleship, 8.
3 Robin Sydserff, Teaching Mark, 146.